Paintings > 2021

Salty Shore - SOLD
Salty Shore - SOLD
Acrylic on Board, , framed in whitewashed wood
60 x 90 cm

THIRSTY INLET SERIES - based on summers spent at the much loved Fitzgerald River National Park, Great Southern. More images to come.

The Thirsty Inlet series is inspired by the wild coastal bushlands of Fitzgerald River National Park. Despite being about 500kms from Perth I have visited the park on numerous occasions noting its ever-changing landscapes. In summer 2020 the Hammersley Inlet dried up to a salt lake and although saddened by this change I noticed a stark and strange beauty. Its waters receded revealing hidden rocks and roots and the sun burnt the saltbush ruby red. I was particularly taken by the stoic paperbark trees that were clinging stubbornly to life on the edge of the blazing sand and their reflection in the briny ochre puddles that remained. I returned in late 2021 to see the inlet full again and the park awash with flowers, a reminder that nature can renew itself. 5Summer Holidays at the Fitz was started in 2020 but then reworked in 2021 after the water returned and new memories had been made.

All prices are in AUD. To enquire about this painting contact -