PORTFOLIO > Sketchbooks

Accordion Sketchbook - Bibbulmun Track
Accordion Sketchbook - Bibbulmun Track
Gouache and ink on paper
29cm x 150cm each

Going on long distance bushwalks is one of my favourite things, often it's just for a long weekend but sometimes I am able to spend a week walking and camping in the wilderness. These trips fuel my creativity and feed into my studio practice. I always take some paper and paints so that I can capture the world around me. I need to travel light for these trips so an accordion sketchbook is the perfect solution for me. I cut a piece of A1 paper into 2 halves and fold it up to make 16 sides of paper to paint on. It gives me the flexibility to make paintings of different lengths. On completion these sketchbooks open out and give me an summary of the places I have walked through.