Paintings > 2022/23

Summer Holidays at the Fitz - SOLD
Summer Holidays at the Fitz - SOLD
Acrylic on board, framed in whitewashed wood
80 x 60cm

I have spent many summer holidays in the Fitzgerald River National Park camping near the tranquil Hammersley Inlet, walking the path from the inlet to the ocean and exploring the sand ridges and cliffs. In 2020 the inlet dried up to a salt lake and although very saddened by this change I noticed a stark and strange beauty. In response to the drying landscape I painted this picture in early 2021. I considered it almost finished and put it away into storage. In late 2021 I revisited the park to see the inlet full again and the park awash with flowers, a reminder that nature can renew itself. Inspired by this positive change I reworked the picture in February 2022 after after the water returned and new memories had been made.

All prices are in AUD. For enquiries about this painting contact