Paintings > 2021

Colour Me Happy, Wild Flowers and Sticks SOLD
Colour Me Happy, Wild Flowers and Sticks SOLD
Acrylic on Canvas
76 x 102 cm

This painting is about finally experiencing the iconic wildflowers that we have in Western Australia. Despite having lived here for 12 years it has taken me that long to catch the everlastings in full bloom. Each year I chase them but due to various factors such as fluctuating rain patterns and my termly breaks falling either too early or too late in the season, I have always missed them.

Good rains in 2021 promised a bumper year so I made a special effort to take a long weekend off just a the right time. This time I found the everlastings. They transformed a landscape that I had visited many times into a colourful wonderland. Red dirt was replaced by swathes of swaying bright spots. Sitting down on the ground, afforded me an exciting vantage point and I made a painting in my sketchbook that I used as a reference for this painting. Flowers were brighter at eye level and the shrubs took on the presence on trees.

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