Paintings > 2021

Finding Salt Lakes  SOLD
Finding Salt Lakes SOLD
Acrylic on Board - framed in natural wood
90 x 60cm

Salt lakes have a mystical appeal to me, I love the deafening silence and their starkness. When exploring the Peak Charles area (Norseman) last spring, the map revealed a salt lake not far from camp. We set out on foot with a GPS to find it, picking up old tracks and weaving through trees. The morning unfolded with sunshine and showers. Thickets of Mallee, green with spring growth gave way to open areas of ancient trees and then suddenly there she was, the salt lake in all her glory. The rain rolled in, softening edges and blurring the bush. This painting evokes memories of that day.

Prices are in AUD. For enquiries about the painting please contact me on